Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Expanded Cinema -PART 2

17th -19th of April of 2009 -Expanded Cinema :

Activating the Space of Reception.

Concentrated around the Tate Modern, the long series of conferences programmed during these three days served to debate the concept of Expanded Cinema to engage in a dialog on their practices and their meaning. Multi screening, installations, performances, live-cinema and other cinematographic manifestations of heterogeneous nature accompanied the readings to discuss inheriting filmic perspective of the artistic context of end of the Sixties. It was Stan Vanderbeek who made the term famous, but Gene Youngblood indeed theorised it with visionary success in his letter of 1970 entitled “Expanded Cinema”.

The concept Expanded Cinema comes to define an eclectic field characterised by filmic and video works that break the traditional notion of the room of cinema, to investigate other ways of reception; extending the experience kinematics of the spectator towards new sensorial connections of unusual spatio-temporal entailments.

Works of Steve Farrer, Tamara Krikorian and Lis Rhodes were exhibited at this time at the tate. Their work was based on lights, projections and sound.

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